We understand everyone has different needs. We often come across investors of all ages and looking for specific strategies unique to them. Below we have put an example of a typical case study.


An experienced professional couple looking to retire in 15 years and repatriate. Self-employed, with no pension and over 300,000 USD savings in a current savings account.


To divide the savings into one part emergency cash and invest the rest into a lump sum investment account and generate an annual income for the next 10 years and beyond. Looking mainly for conservative principal protection and lower risk adjusted returns.


Tailored investment strategy

International portability

Access to over 8,000 mutual funds, global indexes, ETFs and institutional funds

Access to 100% capital guaranteed strategies

Access to a range of income producing strategies generating returns from 2.5% p.a. to upwards of 10%+ p.a. 

Major international custodian

24/7 online access

Transparent fees and low annual charges


A $50,000 Emergency cash reserve.

$250,000 Invested for 15 years, at an average 8.6% p.a, equals savings of $861,762.
